Monday, August 20, 2007

my torture sessions!

why is my body aching? torture, that’s what/why. I’m aching physically and mentally. let’s do mentally first……..
I am taking two mathematical courses now in school that call for mental exertion. I’m not even sure the lecturers know that of which they speak….
for instance, what is measure?

how does that concern me? take your tape rule and find out……

I mean, did you know that there are so many points between zero and one?

I could blow your mind with my “knowledge mathematika”

the first time I heard that there are an uncountable number of points between zero and one, I felt like taking a cane to my primary school teachers, I guess if they had tried to teach us, we might have never left primary school….

picture it, early morning classes where we count one to ten, we all did…..lil kids counting 0, 0.1,0.01, 0.001, 0.001,……… seems I have it done backwards….see even I can’t do it! it’ll be a while to ten.

with my lecturers it’s a whole load of thrash they are feeding us, I know it,s a math class but for crying out loud, speak English!

“the lebesque measure between point A and B occurs if e is a class of sets which are non empty then @#$%^&*^%$*$^**&5$, at least that’s what it seems like to me….the summation of something against something else…yada,yaDA AND MAJOR YADA….

sorry, have I passed on my mental ache?

my body is aching for an entirely different reason. one of my friend s in good faith saw it fit to register me for fitness classes!!!!

which one do I say first…ewoo! abomination!

I don’t know what came into me, I could have said no, really….knowing that if it was the weight that had to go it would have done that a while ago with all mp prior attempts at jogging and even dance classes…..

anyway, another friend of mine, we call her “:smalls” cos she’s so small….everywhere!!
she’s in charge…a major boss lady, she wakes me up quiote early in the mornings and am I ever grouchy? eat into my sleep time and find out, grouchy, crancky and lots of cake icing!

“smalls” wakes me with glee and an im out for you today smile. it’s quite comical really, I try to make it so to hide the pain and MY GOD! is it painful!!

yesterday, she tried to get my fingers to touch my toes while in sitting position…..after various failed attempts, I came up with the perfect reasonable excuse,

“smalls” I said with a semi detached voice cos I could swear my mind was leaving my body, I really could see myself elevated above my body and hovering at the brinkl of release….lol

smalls, I can’t do it….it’s not really my fault, my hands were made too short for the rest of my body. really, I’m of the opinion that if you can’t do it, why hurt yourself?

after that, it was a touch your knees with your forehead session, how on earth do you expect me to achieve that?

so I needed another pretty good excuse so I remembered why I couldn’t quite achieve the “feat” I was being asked to…..

an impediment!

I have a rather “larger than life” tummy, that’s what I was hoping to achieve with fitness classes i.e deflating it but it seemed for a while that the only thing that could get rid of it for me was an excavation or evacuation….lol

so this time I went “smalls honey, no can do, there’s this huge something between the distance I have to cover…..if I was in church, we’ll call it an obstacle to progress….

okay, im really not that bad in fitness class, just a lil bit nutty, ok very nutty, frustrate me I frustrate you, God no go vex!

like pull ups…..who ever thought up that exercise?

I think she only makes me do it when I’ve been very nutty…you put one finger to your ear while lying down and pull….

not your ear, stupid….your upper body upwards……

over and over like a kid who did something really bad and has to pay….at the end of the class I was crying…..real tears!

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