Sunday, December 27, 2009

360 days

in the last 360 days i have


lived life

cried real tears

laughed for joy

been depressed

beat depression

felt oppressed

fought oppression

been in love

lost at love

conquered myself

thought i was ready

discovered i wasn't

doubted myself

followed my instincts


was fogiven

fallen in love with God

thrown God to the curb

been forgiven by God

thought i was alone

realised i wasn't

thought i was in love

realised i wasn't

thought he could love

found out he couldnt

been closer to my dream

had it snatched away

lost myself

found me again

been thankful

been greatful


been humbled



said thrash


loved life

lived it

found life

pleased with it



been bored

had fun

made friends

lost some

found friends

not one








asked why


been filled with guile

been wily

been sweet

been bitter

been neat

oooo i'm tired

looking forward to the next year, would probably get to it all over again...the next 360 days

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


im awake...sitting in an unfamiliar house up the creek alarmingly close to the island of bananas. it's 5 minutes past 12 and the noises made by this house are creepy.


the dogs are howling and growling

the front gate is creaking

the fan is squeaking

crickets are chirping

someone outside keeps mummuring

my heart is palpitating

this close to christmas and all i can think of is dying

there's a door in the house that keeps opening and closing

ok, that's it! im going into the kitchen to find out who is playing with that door.

and if i never blog again?

know that i went on a quest only out of jest and i never did guess that the quest would lead to me without a head!

yea, couildn't make the last part rhyme...

i should be beheaded for my attempt at poetry..

Sunday, December 13, 2009

blah blah blah

oh, the joys of blogging

the joy that blogging brings

i can actually say anything

all the while maybe saying nothing

oh, how much have i missed blogging?

as much as the waters cover the sea

oh the joys of blogging

i was planning to say something

about how much i have missed blogging

thaat would surely co ver ewverything

oh, the joys of blogging

got to get ready to go to out now

will be back to blogging in a bit

have i managed to say something?