Friday, July 22, 2011

Am I rising from the ashes or did I just forget to dust?

I completely stole that title. It was really catchy when I saw it. Guess it just struck mw cos it kinda applied to me as well.

A friend of mine accused me quite recently of being a recluse or was it turning into a hermit he called it? I forget.

Another friend, this one I kinda have a crush on calls me antisocial everytime he sees me. So I decided to do something about it. First, I had to figure out what it was that made me comfortable in my house than in the outside world. And sadly, it is not just more my house I'm comfortable in. I have this affection for staying within the confines of my room even when Im in my house. Just 3 days ago I was leaving the living room after getting caught up by some of the drama on Big brother and my kid brother broke into applause.

I stared at him wondering if he had gone off his rocker, only for him to declare 'she spent 3 straight hours in the parlour! the world is coming to an end! tut tut tut...

So, what was holding me back? I am naturally a shy individual...I can see some jaws dropping in, I'm shy and would rather remain quiet until provocated...*big grin*
but is that enough to keep me on the inside? I realised that until some of my girlfriends saved me from utter misery early this month, I hadnt seen a movie at the cinemas in almost a year. I haven't had a pizza in 2 years and No! I wasn't watching my weight so wipe that silly smirk off your faces. Clubs have never been my scene though I absolutely adore dancing, I get my groove on in my room. Exschoolnerd invited me once for "Sundays at the Bay" but my non chalant mumble (oomph) both times she did probably made her stop . No vex love,My entertainment is through my Laptop and my blackberry...smh...

The list is endless! Ma elder sister who is supposed to be the socially awkward one, though she makes friends at the drop of a hat has gone bowling and go cart racing so many times in the last 2 years! I have done none of those things and its 2011!

So what happened to me in the past two years? I forgot to dust! Time just kept passing me by and I got too preoccupied with what was going on in my life, I just didnt take the time to try to have fun. I have to conciously remind myself to make an effort. This last two years have gone by so fast and if I continue like this, there'll be two more years passing me by.

I know there are probably folks out there whose cases might be worse than mine or similar to mine, now before we become old maids with crochet pins and knitting wool on a rocking chair in one dusty corner of a musty old attic, lets shake off the gathering cobwebs, try to have fun once in a while, make an extra effort to make a friend, do more than stare at your pc or blackberry all day, get a little human contact as well. find a spot you can relax and have a lil fun, be it a spa, bowling alley, coffee shop, Pizza parlour, Dancehall, anywhere you can, just dont forget to dust!

That reminds me, Taruwa! Another thing I haven't done in 2 years!

By the way, I saw this HTC smartphone last week..broke one of the ten commandments immediately..nah, not Thou shall not steal silly, the other one..The one on Coveteousness...That's completely by the way...


Chris Ogunlowo said...

Why do I find it hard to believe you're shy? You seem to be a load of fun.

Lovely writing.

Ineffable said...

*blushes*..thank you..Dear Gawd,I'm actually giggling...This is bad..*blushes again*

Chris Ogunlowo said...


Ineffable said...
