Friday, June 20, 2008

Live for the moment...

The trouble with love is
the way it wraps you around it's finger
and then shakes you off
as if your grip had grown too tight
but then again sometimes it doesn't
you just never know
Sometimes it engulfs you and sweeps you up in it's tide
carrying you away to the land of no returning
No returning to your right mind
to who you were before you met him
The trouble with love is
one way or another you can never return
to who you were before
onje way or another
loving or loosingyou are never the same
and there are no warnings,
no premonitions, no set of instructions
that help you put two hearts together
and keep them beating to the same rhythm
singing the same song in harmony
without the notes turning sour
or the song ending in tears
the trouble with love is we all want it, need it,
are scared to death of it, couldn't possibly live without it,
run away from it, all the while pursuing it,

The trouble with loving is,

It leaves you weak,vulnerable

Open to hurt,untrusting,

Then again sometimes it doesn't

You just never know

Sometimes it builkds you, makes you stronger,

Keeps you soaring, far above your fears,

Above everyone and everything

They cease to exist, fade to black

The trouble with loving is

One way or the other you take a risk,

Changing who you were before

To a lover or a looser

You don't remain the same

No neon signs to potray your status

No rules, No regulations,

Just fall into a chasm of emotion,

Leaping into a void expecting to be caught

Caught and lowered into his arms

To dance to the rhythm of loving him

Whether or not, the sound of the rhythm trails away

You have relished the moments,

The trouble with loving is, experiencing it, basking in it

The good times, the mad times, the times of bitterness,

The times of pure utter joy

We all want it, Want to feel cherished by it

Feel it, Hate it, Love it,

Cant do without it..........

The trouble with loving?

It comes to you; it will come to you.....

Just wait...