okay, so i got tagged....
i was tagged by EXSCHOOLNERD
we all kow the rules.
link the dude, fella or chick that did the deed.
mention the rules...
6 quirks about yourself
tag 6 others
leave a comment on those you tagg.
1.) im way too wierd, for instance i talk to myself...actively...i hold interesting conversations with myself out loud...i hold conversations with inanimate objects as wellmust have started while i was young, didnt speak to anyone at home except dad and he was hardly ever around so had to amuse myself with teddy bears and dolls...gotten me in trouble way too many times to count...i like to eat wierd too, food doesn't interest me until it looks wierd...or its junk food,id kill for junk food...
2) i have always been a loner, i amuse myself alot, read books.watch movies, hold three hour dance sessions with me, me, meeee!
sometimes i think i can't stand people, even though i am awfully nice, i still have issues with people, it's not being snobbish, i just have lil tolerance for low intelligence, fussy females, puffed up males...the list is loooong, very few people manage to sneak into my life....that should make my friends smile...y'all are so worthy...lol
3..i cry at the drop of a hat, it's not hard for me at all...im very weepy, movies, good or bad, even though i just criticised the acting, all i need is to see somene do something i consider niiice and i go all weepy and shit, it's embarasssssing!!!
4...i hate being in love, it makes me feel weak and stupid and vulnerable....so i try my best not to fall in love with anyone...kinda like my loner rule, it's safer that way, but if i do fall in love with you, then you must be some special kinda dude
5....i hate rats and roaches, it's like God put them to earth to scare me to death...i sighted my first rat ever 8 years ago, ill never forget...i still need to tell that story, unbelievable but true....flying and crawling roaches give me the jeebies...id see one of my dreaded r's and all hell must be let loose id apologise for acting completely stupid later...im a very calm girl, not a hair outta place but let me near a rat and you'll see i aint that calm after all...lol
6...hmmm, the sixth will have to be that im terribly in question about my sexuality, i dont think im a lesbian, just intrigued about the prospects...cat got killed by curiosity, i hear...sharrrap!
so i hereby tagg ONE IBO DUDE, CATWALQ AND SANCHEZ...lol
see as i stupidly tagg peeps den don tagg already...
so i hereby change it to OLUWADEE, FINEBOY and i maintain SANCHEZ until he answers exschoolnerd...
i mean this is just too weird...are me? like u are like my twin or something...cause every one of these quirks is so me...
Lmao at laide.. i jst left ur blog and came here and i'm finkin the same thing.. sha god made a twin 4 every1 o..so with u on the roaches thing! I cnt stand em
ok, like i was totally narcissistic with all my stuff.
i was all about me for one in a life time but i think your stuff was tight, made a good read!
hi iify, whats up ? if you so much as open this message, here's what you do:
come see my blog and see who tagged you and what tagging is about then you tag six other people that haven't been tagged including by me
sound fancy?
Its tessa!
If you're curious about it why don't you just try it? I tried it and I'm happy I did. No harm in giving it a try.
@ anon, you are one nutty nutty girl, go to my room...lol
@ ex, i don tell you say we b twins, wat else were you waiting to hear, you are lucky i didnt copy and paste your quirks...lol
@ mz dee, roaches should b eliminated from the face of the earth, the creepy crawly things..
@ tessa, i tagged you, its no good tagging me back, and narccissistic is the new black...lol
@ex school nerd:
nice blog, i updated on you, how you doing? how's akoka, one love!
@Mz. dee
what's happening, haven't seen you at my blog
don't be such a coward, why don't you let me know who you are.
if i wanted to try it! (i know what you are talking about) not interested.
so who do i tag now.
i have to think up someone that is Nigerian or African at least, all i keep seeing are the white folks and they are plain boring!
@iffy lol
@ tasha I'm a bit confused, I didn't address you did I so I couldn't care less wether you're interested or not, I just gave iffy the advise to try it.
you are displaying your less than humble background or beginnings by being rude.
all in all i apologise for talking to you, i thot i was talking to iffy
peace out!
Why are you just a shy person and so much a blown up personality when it comes to blogging(you have a fellowmate in exschoolnerd)...and your kinds always tend to have love-related issues coz u are too damn insecured and scared of been hurt..but you know what ..sometimes you have to go through the paint to feel the love.And it so much pains me to see intellectual babes always having the not so sunny side of the love omelette unfortunately fencing with the jackasses of my sex.Its different for us guys of the same wavelenght....like naijafineboy.....i am having the best of the female menu.Well,wish you well all the same and keep the blogs flowing......and hey hey surprising you'r yet to determine your sexuality..uhm if you wanna go the lesbo way...i mean its a free world but if you intend living in naija..well u know how the reception is on that..except you'd just be a closet typo...am just saying....not signing it.
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