im thinking, now ive been warned millions of times that i mention my weight a bit too much to say im comfortable with it...
really, im not to crazy about being slim but im not too crazy about looking like some mountain either, its every girls pet project to say they are watching thier weight, i think it has a way of making us feel responsible for something...i dunno
anywaay, for me,it seem when i want to watch my weight, i watch it
but when i pay it no attention?
a ha! that's when the compliments flood in, oooo girl u look good, u r loosing weight, gush, gush, the blah,the blah, the blah,
i've been on a kind of diet true of course, consumed about 24 borttles of coke last an absolute cokeaholic...not the kind u snort o...abeg i no dey that kain toory...i just love coke, its my aphrodisiac, my high, my low, i get sad, its coke, im really happy, its coke, wanna celebrate something?
right on the money, its coke again...large, medium, small,bottle,pet,can....GIVE IT TO MEEEEEE!!!
ok, im done with the coke ads for now...omo oni je ku ke
i really hate it when people mention my weight,i feel like i weigh a feather...c,mon, i move better than the rest of em!
i dont feel fat...i even find it funny when peeps talk about my at work, i take a lot of tea and last week i got tired of it, variety is said to be spicy, right?
so i asked for chocolatey M I L O and started my milo diet with lots of creamy mik on monday, guess id been annoying folks for a while drinking milo while they took boring ol tea..someone had to complain....
so sippin ma chocolate, minding no one's bizness, was shocked to find vera cruz had been minding mine...digressing, doesn't a name like vera cruz, make you think of a mexican hunk of some sort or at least lets manage a nigerian one,
neways vera cruz comes all up in ma face with a disgusted no wonder you are fat, see what u r consuming! ul just be bigging, bigging
was so amused i had to burst out laughing...with all the tea in ma mouth...hanging and splashing...served him right,drenched him thru and thru...hope he got chocolate in his was wickid...laughed like id die laughing,the thing was that proved my theory about eating in public, people think stuff in thier mind even though they might not say it, everytime they see a big "watch the quote", person eating in public...
for crying out loud it was just tea...cos its chocolate tea and i weigh 85kg dont mean its a crime, cmon give a girl a break......
i need to eat a pizza in front of the guy, just that i nibble on food so that wont put him off, maybe just once, ill put on a show for his like he expects a big,watch the quote, person should...
he's just a closeminded lil,ill probably confirm that hidden experiment he"s been carrying out on fat peeps since his childhood....come over here i wanna feel a questionnaire boy...feel ma anger, tsheeew...
said ill talk about ma date abi?
almost didn't...
see me see trouble o, trying to reduce the list of guys that think they have the hots for me....a good name for a show, think yu have the hots for fifi? in the same line as you think you can dance and america's got talent....with the amount of applicants now, we'll be sold out in the first inning...
neway, was trying to convince this guy he didnt know me enuf to have the hots for me right?
so i agreed to date him, noooooooooooooooooo, that sounds so wrong, agree to go out on a date with him once for him to figure it out...i see some of you smart ones shaking your head, y una no tell me before i go?
shut up ther! u no talk nothing!
so ill just say i achieved nothing, spent the whole evening not there...he didnt even notice, i did everything but listen to him, he still didnt get to know me and whats the worst part....he still thinks he has the hots for me!!
i tire, maybe id do it again to wreck his life, i just ma luck...spill water on him, upset the waitress, fall down the escalator, i need to do something to make him forget i exist...
any ideas people?
gotta go now, got drama rehearsals
That guy was just plain rude and nasty and i'm glad u laughed in his face. What nonsense.
sting, take it easy, so many people comment on my weight,some don't know it hurts, just a bit...ive learnt to smile...hey, i love myself!
Lyk sting.. i'm glad u laffed in his face!! Wat sorta nonsense was dat?
I loveeee coke! So muchhhh. I dnt c hw ppl can drink fanta n ish.. once again.. luvin ur posts
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